Highland Village



Highland Heights, KY
July 2018 


$22 Million


118 units for the elderly


We brought 21st century senior housing to the community with the return of the first senior housing option in the city since 2013.


This development, supported by the Mayor, Highland Heights City Council and a wide variety of other organizations, is a new senior housing construction project in response to a significant loss of subsidized housing for senior citizens in Campbell County, KY. Highland Village is a Low Income Housing Tax Credit development with many funding sources: KHC tax credits, CDBG, owner equity, owner loans, bank grant, KY Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and State Department of Transportation Replacement Housing Mitigation funds. Total development cost was around $22 Million.

Highland Village is a model for integration of affordable units into suburban communities. It is retirement housing for middle income people who did not plan for retirement and will become low-income people once they retire. 

The development includes 104 one-bedroom units and 14 two-bedroom units. All 104 one-bedroom units are located in a single three-story building, with the 14 two-bedroom units dispersed among one-story duplexes. These 14 units have attached garages, front porches, and private patios. And, the 104 units have private balconies and off-street parking. Of the total units, 71 serve residents with income of less than or equal to 50% of AMI, and 47 serve residents at 60% of AMI or less.